Lightwave Al

Stretching Out Ghost Recon: Wildlands

GRW what's next?

Okay, I did a post recently about What’s next for Ghost Recon: Wildlands on my channel and while discussing this issue with my good friend and fellow YouTuber iCEhOT I was concerned that there may not be mileage in GRW between now (July) and Assassin’s Creed Origins being released.

We have a firm release date for ACO – 27 October

Now we have a firm release date for ACO – 27 October 2017 – I need to think if there’s enough content for Wildlands, or whether I need another game to post on my channel in the meantime.

So this is a brief follow-up to that last post to outline my thoughts.

Content to date

In terms of the content I’ve posted already for Wildlands, I’m about 35% through the main game (due to the bug I encountered in April). I’ve posted the weekly challenges, and I’m about 70% though both Narco Road DLC and Fallen Ghosts DLC.

I’ve also posted about 98% of my Quick Tips for all the weapons and weapon accessory locations and info in the game. The ones that are left are super fiddly – it’s folded buttstocks, of which there are loads to collect for some reason. I think there are four for SMGs and five for ARs. Why?

I’ve posted videos summarising all the Title Update patch notes for Ghost Recon Wildlands so far, and will continue to do so.

Does enough content remain?

So what’s left, and is it enough to go three more months until ACO drops? Well the short answer is; I think there should be enough content.

Main game

I have 65% of the main game to get through still, which includes the most challenging provinces. I spent roughly 60 hours and six weeks of videos posting the first 35% so that alone could take me into October.

Weekly challenges
As long as Ubisoft keep making weekly challenges available, I’ll be completing these and posting them for the foreseeable future. There are three solo challenges per week, which I usually make three episodes from, so that’s quite a chunk of extra stuff.
Bonus medals

Similar to my Quick Tips videos on all the weapons and weapon accessories, I do have recordings of collecting all the bonus medals in the game. I could post all their locations, but they’ll be very short videos and I don’t know if there’s a lot of value in those.

This one’s a possibility (maybe if I do run low on content).

Easter eggs
There are a bunch of easter eggs in Ghost Recon: Wildlands and I haven’t been around to specifically seek those out yet. Perhaps when I’ve finished the main game and discovered all the map I’ll make videos on those as well.

This is the big one.

I’ve read a lot of views on Reddit and on the GRW forum that the community is pretty peeved about PvP. They were generally expecting is with TU3 or maybe TU4. And when it still didn’t appear in TU5 I saw lots of comments saying that players’ friends have left the game because there’s still no PvP.

For a lot of people they’ve completed the game, played or ignored the DLCs and were waiting for PvP to keep things alive. They’ve presumably moved on to other titles now and can’t be bothered to go into Wildlands each week for the challenges.

But many people have commented that PvP would bring them back to Wildlands. And I’m very hopeful that when we do (finally) see PvP in the game, that it’s going to make for some great videos and a larger community again.

So there should definitely be some mileage there, possibly way beyond October.

I think the future of Wildlands content is still bright… for now. Even though some videos will naturally come to an end as more people feel they’ve done what there is to do in the game, but PvP and weekly challenges should keep things going for a fair while yet.

So yes. I’ll persevere with posting Wildlands videos while I count down to 27 October for the Assassin’s Creed Origins release date.

Check out iCEhOT’s channel for Let’s Plays of a number of games, primarily 7 Days to Die (which looks like awesome fun)!
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