Lightwave Al

Ep 73 Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern – RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LONG PLAY

RDR2 ep 73

The start of this episode goes all kinds of wrong when I decide to help a guy hog tied on the back of a horse and get the murder witnessed. It’s not all bad though, as we manage to threaten a woman into silence, and can take the wagon from the witness and sell it right to Seamus, the wagon fence at Emerald Ranch. He even paid us $40 for that dump of a wagon. Sweet.

But that’s not the point of today’s episode. We head back to camp and find another ragtag bunch of dudes trying to do business from a wagon full of dynamite. Seems like an easy target, right? Boy does it make a mess, and eventually we make it back to camp to find…

Jack Marston has been taken. Nobody’s in a very good mood, but Dutch rounds up a posse and we head to Braithwaite manor to pretty much ransack the place and kill everyone. We make a real mess of that too. But it’s a glorious episode as we leave it torched and in ruins with the old Braithwaite lady crying on the porch.

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