Lightwave Al

Ep 162 White Arabian horse attempt – RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LONG PLAY

RDR2 ep 162

I was out west already, so I thought it would be worth making another attempt on the White Arabian horse, because I really want that back. It’s the ‘best’ horse in the game, and although it’s a bit dinky (especially by comparison to the shire horse or even the other regular horses) it’s noticeably the fastest horse in the game.

So in a game where you mainly get about by horse, and where there seem to be no drawbacks to having a small fast horse – it still carries large corpses and the same additional load, doesn’t seem weaker or otherwise hampered – it’s worth the investment and hassle to get it, if you can.

…If you can. There are three difficulties in acquiring the White Arabian horse. Firstly, it runs away from you and it’s white in snow. Tracking it can be tricky. Secondly, lassoing the horse requires a huge amount of stamina and when you’re in the snow it drops rapidly. Thirdly (but you can manage this) you have to break a wild horse, which doesn’t want to be tamed. But it’s all fun.

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