Lightwave Al

Ep 143 Do Not Seek Absolution II – RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 LONG PLAY

RDR2 ep 143

I enjoy kicking off an episode with some excitement. At the beginning of the last one we were attacked by a cougar, and this time the Murfree Brood are ambushing us on the road. Of course we prevail, and ride on to Annesburg to go and find Edith Downes for a second time.

Since we left the town on a slightly sour note last time when we blew up some dynamite at the mine and left a wanted man, we may as well go and pay our $5 bounty at the station before we progress. Then it’s on to see the boy about why they hadn’t left Annesburg yet, but his mother’s still heading out, working. She left with some fella down the railway tracks round the woods towards WIllard’s Rest, so we go find her.

After we do our best to make peace with Mrs Downes, we persuade her to come back to Annesburg with us and he gives her more of our money. I wish he’d stop just giving it away, we’ve killed a lot of people for all that money.

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